Monday, October 17, 2011

living with boys

i have 3 children
a 8 year old girl
a 5 year old boy
then there is 
this guy
my two year old

looking around my house
it's obvious who rules the roost

for example
here were our guests
for breakfast the other morning
who invited these lovely dinos?
let's widen the shot a bit


this guy 
after breakfast
i was wondering why 
the house was so wonderfullly quiet


after a quick scan around the house
i made my way to the playroom

it's only been 20 or so minutes!
a little closer
who's responsible?
do i even need to ask?

this guy

hoping you have a wonderful week
happy monday -e


  1. So sweet. He is adorable, even if he is messy!

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog via a comment on Cottage & Loft and will be following along for sure. I could so relate to this post. If you could only see what my three year old son's room looks like on a daily basis, we might just be kindred spirits.

    Enjoy your Monday.

  3. your son is so cute! I like how you zoomed in the dinosaur picture and then took one further out to show what the picture really looked like. Great pictures!! Haha...that is hilarious with the one picture you took of the mess...I'm sure it wasn't so fun to clean it all up though. :)

  4. I can't believe that cute little guy could do all that damage...are you sure it was him? :)

    We have the exact same french doors and wood trim...I'm always searching for decorating ideas/inspiration...but there's not so much out there. It just seems like a pain (and hubby says NO WAY) to paint the window trim.

  5. tee 7 year old daughter has been JUST like that since Max's age. Just sub Barbies for the dinos. Luckily, they're so stinkin' cute, right? :)

  6. My baby is 16 so those days are over but honestly, I miss those days. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and remind yourself how cute they are when they're little and how lucky you are to have healthy kids don't you?

  7. Doesn't take them long to do all that damage. I'm sure he loves having all that stuff to himself at times. Soooo cute!
